
How Canada Became AI Superpower

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How Canada Became AI Superpower

Canada: The AI Superpower

A few years ago, the idea of making Canada a superpower of artificial intelligence came into the mind of few futurists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors. Transformation into a tech economy from a resources-based economy was a revolutionary idea but also a huge gamble.

Similar to other advanced technologies, Canada specifically focused on artificial intelligence and its sub-categories such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. A prestigious Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence took a promising initiative for AI technology enthusiasts in Canada.

Usually, when we talk about AI development, the USA, India & China are the focus point but Canada is no stranger to this technology. You can find the globally renowned artificial intelligence centers and reputed AI experts educating the next generations of innovators, engineers, and scientists. Few names are Geoffrey Hinton, Richard Sutton, and Yoshua Bendigo. These institutions are not only trying to solve the global problems with the help of AI but also developing commercial business applications used globally.

Few of the largest tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Thomas Reuters, General Motors are investing heavily in AI research to find futuristic solutions in Canada. The world-class education, infrastructure, easy immigration policies, soft border & business-friendly treaties with the United States, and welcoming treatment for the people from all around the globe make Canada a lucrative nation for top techies. Experts have predicted that Canada will have 100s of AI labs in the next few years by top global tech giants. The institutions are already attracting global AI talents and research funding for projects in artificial intelligence.

In the next few years, we will be able to see the social impact of artificial intelligence on Canadian society. The most affected industries will be healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, material science, security, and space exploration. There is no doubt about the AI boom in North America and Canada is ready to lead by its vision and willingness to provide an AI ecosystem for research & development.

You may hear the news of new AI startups, companies listed in the stocks, and also acquired small AI companies by large tech corporations. We are in the front of a new AI revolution and becoming True North for artificial intelligence.

How Canada Bacame AI Superpower, Machine Learning & Neural Network

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