
Month: January 2021

Artificial Intelligence Resources Hub

AI For Space Exploration

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the space industry, making previously arduous and even impossible tasks instantaneous and highly efficient.  Space Exploration is the next big thing that can decide the future of humanity. A brand new undeclared competition to reach first at Moon, Mars, and beyond is already started between top space endeavoring nations like the…
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AI in Robotics in India

The future for robotics and AI in India is bright. The rapid transformation and advancement in robotics and AI in India is a refreshing development across organizations. Different sectors including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, food and beverages industries have embraced this technology. Pursuing a course in Robotics and AI ensures great career opportunities with blue-chip companies…
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How AI Can Transform Healthcare in India

The Healthcare system in India is the most dynamic and challenging sector. Many challenges like affordability, accessibility but particularly the shortage of doctors and services like qualified nurses, technicians, and infrastructure. With the development of AI, the overall cost of healthcare would get reduced due to increased efficiency. With the ability of AI to handle…
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Humanoid Robot Vyommitra

Indian Space Research Organization or ISRO has developed a humanoid robot named Vyommitra for its planned space mission Gaganyan. The ambitious plane has used artificial intelligence based machine space traveller that may be big paradigm shift in the space exploration. One of its kind plan by Indian space agency will take the next step in…
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Scope of A.I. in India

In India, AI is still in the adoption stage but slowly it is being used to find smart solutions to modern problems in almost all the major sectors such as Agriculture, Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure, Transport, Cyber Security, Banking, Manufacturing, business, Hospitality, Entertainment. The major reasons why AI is preferred for so many fields are…
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